Roasted Rabbit.

Rating: 3.8333 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A well-fed rabbit (back and hind legs) is skinned, rubbed with salt and larded quite evenly and delicately.

Now place it in a suitable pan, baste it with 12 dkg of brown butter, add a few slices of onion and roast it for 15 to 20 minutes, diligently baste it. An older rabbit must roast accordingly longer. Carve it into nice pieces, put it into a large jar, pour the strained sauce over it and sterilize it at 100 °C for 50 minutes.

When used, the rabbit pieces are warmed up with a little bit of butter and sour whipped cream, the sauce is boiled up with roux or potato flour, seasoned with a little bit of juice of a lemon, poured over the roast and served.

all : Home canning, from Mrs. Emilie Lösel,

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