Rhubarb Ice Cream Cake

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)




Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

For the dough, divide the eggs, beat the yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy. Mix flour with baking powder, salt and almond kernels. Whip egg whites to egg whites, then gently fold into the fluffy mixture alternating with flour/almond kernels. Line the bottom of a cake springform pan (24 cm dia.) with parchment paper, then brush parchment paper and pan sides with oil.

Pour the dough into the pan, bake in the middle of the oven for 20 min. Cool dough, remove from pan, then cut lengthwise with a thread to make two biscuit bottoms thick on the spot.

For the filling, remove the peel from the rhubarb, cut it into pieces, put it together with vanilla sugar, sugar and cinnamon in a frying pan and make it into compote for about 15 min with the lid closed, cool it down, then drain it in a sieve, collect the juice and boil it into thick syrup.

Mix rhubarb puree with Blanc-Battu (cream cheese), 1-2 tbsp jam and the boiled syrup. Whip the cream with the cream stiffener until stiff, gently fold into the mixture. Place one of the biscuit bottoms back on the springform base, spread with a little jam, close ring another time. Pour the glaze mixture on top. Spread the second base also with a little bit of jam, then place the coated side on the rhubarb mixture.

Freeze the cake in the freezer, preferably overnight.


Preheat oven broiler (250 °C ). The

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