Meat Loaf with Beans

Rating: 2.5 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A bean recipe for every taste:

Clean bush beans and cut into small pieces. Shell the broad beans and then rinse both. Make the beans in salted water with the savory, but it is best to separate them by bean type, as both have different cooking times: 4-8 min. the snap beans and 10-15 min. the thick beans. Rinse both again and drain. For the meatballs, soak the breadcrumbs or possibly stale white bread in cold water. Peel the onions, dice one of them, cut the others into thin slices. Then knead the minced meat with the squeezed out bread, the onion cubes, the egg and the mustard. Season with salt, bell pepper and paprika. Depending on your mood, mix the kitchen herbs – fresh or possibly dried – into the meat mixture. Then form the meat loafs and fry them in heated oil for about 4 minutes on each side. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and sauté them together with the onion slices in hot oil. If you like, you can also add chicory and onion shallots and steam them. The beans are then added to the vegetables for a short time. Everything is briefly tossed together in the frying pan. Then add the chopped parsley and bring to the table. To the meat loafs with bean vegetables fit likewise mashed potatoes or possibly roast potatoes as Zuspeisen. You can refine the meat loaf by heating a little fresh marjoram briefly on the stove and then adding it to the minced meat.

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